
Durable & Environmentally Friendly Roofing Solutions

At Storm Expert INC, we provide commercial roofing services solutions that are built to last for years and are environmentally friendly. We provide services related to shingles, siding, gutters, windows, and many more. Via our roofing solutions, you can save on energy costs, increase your property's sale value, and also have a great aesthetic appeal. We take care of all the material and labor and also arrange the required permits.

Roofer Working on Roof of a Building
Worker Working on Roof


We provide complete roofing solutions, and we start off by inspecting the shingles and the deck before ensuring it is in accordance with the local codes. We then remove the existing shingles, install a drip edge to all eves and rake edges, and install new neoprene rubber pipe collars. We then install the roof as required.

We also take care of the downspouts as well, fastening them as needed, and then conduct a final inspection before the fully-insured roof is handed off to you.

In fact, we also roll a magnet through the yard for a final nail cleanup, ensuring great attention to detail.


With well-done siding, you can reduce outside noises, reduce your heat losses, and save a lot on energy costs. You can also recoup up to 91% of your vinyl siding installation investment when you sell your property. We provide vinyl siding, along with a wide variety of trim and architectural accents. Our work encompasses shutters, gable vents, sunburst accents, door surrounds, decorative corners, window mantles, and many more.

Get a free estimate today.

The House With Windows and a Green Roof of Corrugated Sheet


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We install and maintain a variety of gutters and gutter accessories, including traditional gutters, fascias, soffits, drip edges, roof edging, snow guards, and many more. These come in a variety of styles and sizes and protect your roof and gutters from water and ice damage.